
陳國球(CHAN, Kwok Kou Leonard)


陳國球(CHAN, Kwok Kou Leonard)    

電子信箱: ckkleonard@mx.nthu.edu.tw                    


連絡電話: (03)571-5131轉34351

傳真:  (03)572-5973

聯絡地址: 人社院A522室

研究專長: 文學史學、中國文學批評、中國詩歌與詩學、香港文學

| 學歷 |



| 經歷 |



    Professor K.K. Leonard Chan is currently Yushan Scholar and Chair Professor at the Department of Chinese Literature, and the Director of Research Centre for Literary Thoughts and Discourses, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, and Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities. Prior to joining Tsing Hua University, he was the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the Education University of Hong Kong, carrying the concurrent title of Chair Professor of Chinese Literature. He was also the Director of the Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture. He was also Visiting Chair Professor at the National Cheng Chi University, Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta, Canada, and Charles University of Prague, the Czech Republic. He had been Visiting Scholar / Visiting Fellow at Harvard University, Columbia University, University of Tokyo, Peking University, National Taiwan University, National Dong Hwa University, and others. 
    Leonard Chan's areas of expertise include Chinese literary criticism, literary historiography, Hong Kong literature, and Chinese-Western comparative literature. His research outputs encompass more than 20 books, including The Reception of Tang Poetry in Ming Neo-Classical Criticism (《唐詩的傳承:明代復古詩論研究》), The Modes of Writings and Cultural Politics of Literary Histories: Studies on Chinese Literary Historiography (《文學史書寫形態與文化政治》), and award-winning monographs Discourses on Chinese Lyrical Tradition and Literary Historiography (《抒情傳統論與中國文學史》, 2022 Scholarly Monograph Award, Acadamia Sinica), Hong Kong in Its History of Lyricism(《香港的抒情史》, The Tenth Hong Book Prize, 2017). He is the chief editor of the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949 (《香港文學大系 1919—1949》, in 12 volumes) and Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1950-1969 (《香港文學大系 1950—1969》, in 16 volumes). He was also elected as 2016 Artist of the Year (Arts Criticism) by Hong Kong Arts Development Council.


| Selected Publications |



  1. Discourses on Chinese Lyrical Tradition and Literary Historiography, Taipei: Shibao Wenhua, 2021
  2. The Rise and Development of Chinese Lyrical Tradition, Shanghai: Dongfang Press, 2021
  3. Lyricism-Personages-Place: Studies on the Contemporaneity and Locality in Literature, Chengdu: Sichuan Renmin Press, 2021
  4. Reencountering Literary Hong Kong (ed), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2014-2016
  5. Hong Kong-Literature: Traces and Impact, Hong Kong: Culture Lab Plus Limited, 2017
  6. Hong Kong in Its History of Lyricism, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2016
  7. Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949, 12 volumes (Chief Editor), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2014-2016
    《香港文學大系 一九一九-一九四九》全十二卷(總主編),香港:商務印書館,2014-2016
  8. Hong Kong: Imagination of the City and Its Cultural Memory (co-ed with Chen Pingyuan, and David Der-wai Wang), Beijing: Peking University Press, 2015
  9. The Modernity of Lyricism: Essays on Chinese Lyrical Tradition (co-ed with David Der-wai Wang), Beijing: Joint Publication Company, 2014
  10. The Conception of Lyrical China, Hong Kong: Joint Publication Company, 2013
  11. Literature as Knowledge?──Literary Criticism, Literary Studies, and Literary Education, Beijing: Joint Publication Company, 2013
  12. Structuring Chinese Literary Tradition, Wuhan: Central China Normal University Press, 2011
  13. Contemporary Chinese Literature (with Zhang Lin), Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong, 2007
  14. Ming Neo-Classicists on Tang Poetry, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2007 (2nd impression with revision, September 2007)
  15. Obsession With China [Studies on Modern Chinese Literature and Criticism], Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2007
  16. The Modes of Writings and Cultural Politics of Literary Histories: Studies on Chinese Literary Historiography, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2004 (2nd impression with revision, 2005)
    《文學史書寫形態與文化政治》,北京:北京大學出版社,2004 (再版 2005)
  17. A Melancholic Journey: Reading Literature in Hong Kong, Taipei: Xuesheng Book Company, 2003
  18. Flowers from the Apricot Altar: Festschrift Presented to Professor Ping-leung Chan in Honor of His Retirement (co-ed with Xu Zidong and Wu Shudian), Hong Kong: Wen Xing Pub. Co., 2001
  19. “Literary Hong Kong” and Lilian Lee (ed. and intro.), Taipei: Rye Fields Pub. Co., 2000
  20. Writing the Literary Past: Reflections on Literary History (co-ed. with W.C. Wong and Stephen Chan), Taipei: Rye Fields Pub. Co., 1997
  21. Rethinking Chinese Literary History (ed. and intro.), Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, 1993: Taiwan edition: Taipei: Shulin Press, 1994
  22. Selected Essays of Hong Kong Scholars on Classical Chinese Literary Criticism (ed. and intro.), Taipei: Xuesheng Book Company, 1991
  23. The Reception of Tang Poetry in Ming Neo-Classical Criticism, Taipei: Xuesheng Book Company, 1990
  24. Selected Readings of Literary Critical Essays (co-ed., with Ping-leung Chan), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1988
  25. Flower in the Mirror and the Moon Reflected in the Water: Essays in Literary Theories and Criticism, Taipei: Dongda Book Company, 1987
  26. A Critical Study of Hu Yinglin's Poetic Theories, Hong Kong: Wah Fung Book Company, 1986


B. ARTICLES IN REFEREED/CORE JOURNALS 期刊論文 (since 2010, a partial list)     

  1. “Channeling the Traditional into the Modern: An Initial Study of Wu Xinghua’s Poetics,” Journal of Peking University, 61.1 (Jan, 2024): 109-118
  2. “Encounter and Re-encounters: Xi Xi’s Early Literary Creations and Hong Kong Literary History,” Book City, 2023.3 (March, 2023)
  3. “Historic Sense and Poetic Mind: Jaroslav Průšek on Chinese History and Poetry,” Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia, 20 (Sep 2022): 529-543
  4. “Lin Yiliang’s Anthology of American Literary Criticism and the Path of C. T. Hsia’s Literary Scholarship,” ISSUES, No. 4 (May, 2022)
  5.  “Conveying the Mind through Literature: A Reading of S. Quanan’s Down Through the Limbus,” O-Square (Hong Kong), 12 (Summer, 2022): 146-171
  6. “‘Hong Kong the Deformed’: Literary Criticism and Cultural Space of Hong Kong before 1949” (translated into Japanese by HAMADA Maya), Wild Grass (Japanese Association for Chinese Literature and Art Studies), 36 (Jul, 2021): 49-69
    「畸形の香港」:1949年以前の香港文學評論と文化空間,《野草》第106‧107 (2021.9.30),頁49-69
  7. Chinese translation of “1905, January 6: Wen and the First History(-ies) of Chinese Literature” (translated into Chinese by Tang Haidong), Modern Chinese Culture and Literature (Chengdu), 2020.1 (March): 8-11
  8. “Deformity and Sense of Place: On Hong Kong Literature,” Read˙Literature, Newsletter of National Museum of Taiwan Literature (Tainan), 66 (March, 2020): 54-57
    〈畸形地方:話說香港文學〉,《閱:文學 (臺灣文學館通訊)》,第66期(20203月),頁54-57
  9. “Ruptures and Continuities in Literature and Literary History: General Preface to The Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1950-1969,” NTU Studies in Taiwan Literature (Taipei), 23 (Feb 2020): 1-20
  10. “In and Out of ‘Lyric Aesthetics’—Kao Yu-kung’s Academic Journey Revisited,” Journal of Chinese Literature (Beijing and Hong Kong), 7 (Dec., 2019): 131-151
  11. “‘Liang Wenxin’ and ‘Lin Yiliang’: Naming and Playwrighting“, O-Square (Hong Kong), 2 (2019 Fall): 133-142
  12. “Liu Yichang, the Poet: Remarks on Liu Yichang’s works in Repulse Bay”, Appreciation of Masterpieces (Taiyuan), 34 (2018): 25-31
  13. “Lyricality and Revolution: Chen Shixiang on the Light of Literature and the Power of Mara Poets”, Wenyi zhēngmíng, 2018.10: 31-38
  14. “Between Ming Neo-classicism and Jingling School: A Preliminary Study of Tang Ruxun’s Huibian tangshi shiji”, Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Chi University, 29 (June, 2013): 51-80
  15. “The Lyrical China: Jaroslav Průšek on Chinese Poetry”, Journal of Modern Chinese Studies (Shanghai), 2018.1 (Feb): 8-10
  16. “The ‘Poetics of Wars’ in History: Preface to Chan Chi-tak’s Lyricism in the Time of Chaos: Hong Kong and Its Literature during Sino-Japanese War,” Hong Kong Literature (Hong Kong), 2018.1 (Feb): 8-10;〈歷史中的「戰爭詩學」──序陳智德《板蕩時代的抒情:抗戰時期的香港與文學》〉,《香港文學》,20182月號,頁86-88
  17. “Politics and Lyricism—From Huang Xieqing to Tang Disheng’s Princess Chang Ping” , Journal of Chinese Literature (Beijing and Hong Kong), 7 (Dec 2016): 131-151
  18. “Leftist Poetics and the Sensory World: Re-Reading the 1930s and 1940s Poems of the ‘Missing Poet’ Outer Out”, Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Chi University (Taipei), 26 (December 2016): 141-182
  19. “From Modernity to Tradition: Zhu Ziqing’s Chinese Literary Criticism” , The Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (Duke University Press, USA), 3.2 (Nov 2016): 233-257
  20. “Chen Shih-hsiang’s on Chinese Literature and Culture”, Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia (Taipei), 10 (June 2016): 321-325
  21. “Tides from the West in South China: Foreign Literary Thoughts and Hong Kong Early Literary Criticism”, Journal of East China Normal University, 48.2 (April, 2016): 106-117
  22. “Jaroslav Průšek’s Conception of Chinese Culture”, Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia, 9 (December 2015): 289-291
  23. “General Introduction to the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949” (translated into Japanese by KOBAYASHI Satsuki), The Chugoku—Shakai To Bunka (China: Society and Culture; published by Association for Studies of Chinese Society and Culture, Tokyo University), 30 (Jul, 2015), 162-214
    「『香港文学大系一九一九 - 一九四九』総序」(小林さつき日譯),《中国社会と文化》(東京大學:中國社會文化學會),第30號(20157月),頁162-214
  24. “Transduction, Dispersion, and Excursion: A Foreword to the Special Issue on ‘Literature in Circulation”, Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (Hong Kong), 12.2 (Summer 2015): 8-11
  25. “General Preface to the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949” (translated into Korean by Hyelim KOH 고혜림), The Journal of Modern Chinese Literature (Seoul, Korea: The Korean Society of Modern Chinese Literature), 72 (Mar, 2015), 233-270
    〈홍콩문학대계 1919-1949 서문〉, 《중국현대문학》제72, (서울: 한국중국현대문학학회, 2015.3,. 233-270)
  26. “‘Lyrical Tradition’ of China and the Modernity of Lyricism”, Journal of the Yon Min Classical Literature Association (Seoul, Korea), Vol. 22 (Aug, 2014), pp. 49-85
  27. “General Preface to the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949”, Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy (Academia Sinica, Taipei), 24.2 (June, 2014), 1-25
  28. “Literary Criticism as Method of Literary Study”, Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Chi University, 20 (December 2013): 1-36
  29. “Hong Kong Literature: From the Perspective of Taiwan”, Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia, 5 (Dec 2013): 147-173
  30. “From the Concept of ‘Structure’: Jaroslav Průšek’s Studies of Chinese Literary History”, Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia, 4 (Jun 2013): 441-456
  31. “Lyricism in Exile: Xu Chi and His Critics”, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Literature (Hsin Chu, Taiwan), 8 (Dec 2012): 229-261
  32. “A Tradition of ‘Lyric(cal): The Circulation of a Literary Concept” , Tamkang Journal of Chinese Literature (Taipei), 25 (Dec 2011): 173-198
    〈「抒情」的傳統── 一個文學觀念的流轉〉,《淡江中文學報》(台北),第25期(201112月),頁173-198
  33. “Chen Shih-hsiang on Chinese Literature: The Path towards the Conception of ‘Lyrical Tradition’ ”, Chinese Studies (Taipei), 29.2 (June 2011): 225-244
  34. “The Conception of ‘Lyrical Tradition’ and Chinese Literary Studies: Chen Shih-hsiang on Chinese Literature” , Culture and Poetics (Beijing), 2011.2 (Jan): 279-297
  35. “ ‘Literary Criticism’ and ‘Literary Science’: A Debate on Literary Historiography between C.T. Hsia and Průšek” , Journal of Peking University (Beijing), 48.1 (Jan 2011): 48-60
  36. “Literature as Knowledge?—The Place of Literary Criticism in Literary Study and Education’” , Journal of Chinese Literature (Beijing and Hong Kong), Inaugural Issue (Dec 2010): 261-284
  37. “In Search of Poeticality: Lin Geng’s Exposition on the History of Chinese Literature and the Concept of ‘Lyrical Tradition’” , Journal of Peking University, 47.4 (Jul 2010): 143-149


C. BOOK CHAPTERS 專書論文 (since 2010, a partial list)

  1. “In and Out of ‘Lyric Aesthetics’: On Kao Yu-kung’s Academic Journey,” in Zeng Shouzheng and Liao Dongliang, ed., Life, Language, and Form: Taiwan Scholarship on Aesthetic Affectivity (Taipei: Cheng-da Press, 2023), pp. 203-243

  2. “Reflections from Spherical Mirrors: A Preface,” in Yan Kunyang, The Pragmatics of Chinese Poetry (Taipei, Linking Publising, 2022), pp. 5-15

  3. “Chen Shixiang on the Light of Literature and the Power of Mara Poets”, In Humanistic Vistas of Cosmopolitanism, eds., David Wang and Ji Jin, Nanjing: Jiangsu University Press, 2019, pp. 36-50

  4. “The ‘May Fourth’ of Hong Kong and the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Cultures”, In May Fourth @ 100: Culture, Thought, History, ed., David Wang and Mingwei Song, Taipei: Publishing Co, 2019; Shanghai: Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House, 2019, pp. 172-176

  5. “Remarks on the Early Hong Kong Literary Criticism”, In Reencountering Literary Hong Kong, ed., K.K. Leonard Chan, Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2018, pp. 106-116

  6. “1905, January 6: Wen and the First History(-ies) of Chinese Literature”, In A New Literary History of Modern China, ed., David Der-wei Wang, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2017, pp. 190-195

  7. “Literary Criticism and Study of Chinese Literature”, In Festschrift Presented to Professor Kawai Kozo in Honor of His Retirement, eds., Lin Zongzheng and Jiang Yin, Nanjing: Fenghuang Press, 2017, pp. 318-353
    〈文學批評與中國文學研究〉,收入林宗正、蔣寅編《川合康三教授榮休紀念文集》,南京:鳳凰出版社,2017, 318-353

  8. “Sense of Place and Urban Images: Reading Hong Kong in Hong Kong Poetry”, In The Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literatures, ed., Carlos Rojas and Andrea Bachner, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 399-416

  9. “‘Literary Science’ and ‘Literary Criticism’: The Průšek-Hsia Debate”, In Crossing Between Tradition and Modernity: Essays in Commemoration of Milena Doleželová-Velingerová (1923-2012), ed., Kirk A. Denton, Prague: Karolinum Press , 2016, pp. 25-44

  10. “How to Read Kao Yu-kung’s Theory of Chinese Lyric Aesthetics”, In Essays on Chinese Lyric Aesthetics and Literary Studies, by Kao Yu-kung, Taipei: National Taiwan University Publication Centre, 2016, pp. v-xviii

  11. “Before ‘Lyrical Tradition’ is Conceptualized: A Study of Chen Shih-hsiang’s Early Literary Criticism”, In The Lyrical Tradition of Chinese Literature: Chen Shih-hsiang’s Studies on Classical Literature, ed., Zhang Hui, Beijing: Joint Publishing Company, 2015, pp. 1-22

  12. “Lyricism in Our Literary Tradition and Its Significance in Modern Times”, In From the Mara Poets to the Nobel Prize: Literature, Canon, and the Consciousness of Modern, co-ed., Gao Jiaqian and Cheng Yu-yu, Taipei, Rye Field Publications, 2015, pp. 192-208

  13. “Circulation of Literature: Hong Kong Literature from the Perspective of Taiwan”, In Collected Essays from the Advanced Seminar of “Reflection and Re-construction of Modern Chinese Literary Historiography”: Organized by Wu Han University and Harvard University, co-ed., Chen Guoen, David Der-wai Wang, and Fang Changan, Beijing, Chinese Social Science Press, 2014, pp. 335-353

  14. “Lyricism on Nathan Road: Sense of Place in Hong Kong Literature”, In Affections between the Lines, ed., Hong Kong Public Libraries, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Public Libraries, 2013, pp. 67-77

  15. "Hong Kong’s May-fourth and Hong Kong’s China” , In The Humanist Hong Kong: New Reflections on the Experience of Hong Kong’s Development, ed., Hung Ching-tin, Hong Kong: Chung-hua Book Co, 2012, pp. 63-71

  16. "Poetry and Truth: A Reading of The Dawn Will Break the Darkness of the Night: A Selection of Hong Kong Poetry on June-Fourth " , In Time for Reading Books, ed., Zheng Zhengheng, Hong Kong: Hall of Subculture, 2012, pp. 160-164

  17. "Expelling Lyricism by Xu Ci: A Study of Lyricism and Hong Kong Literature” , In Beyond 1949: Sixty Years of Contemporary Literature, ed., Wang Dewei, Chen Sihe, Xu Zidong,Shanghai: Shanghai Wenyi Press, 2011, pp. 271-281

  18. "The Path towards the Conception of ‘Lyrical Tradition’ " , In Visiting the South of Yangtze: Lectures on Overseas Sinology at Suzhou University, ed., Wang Rao and Ji Jin, Shanghai: Fu Dan University Press, 2011, pp. 249-266

  19. “The Poetics of Manifestoes”, In Succession and Transformation of Hong Kong Literature, ed., Leung Ping Kuen, Chen Zhide, and Zheng Zhenghang, Hong Kong: Hui Zhi Press, 2011, pp. 233-246

  20. “Appropriating Hong Kong: Hong Kong Literature in Chinese Literary Histories”, In Metropolitan Mirage: Studies on Hong Kong Literature, ed., Dept of Chinese, CUHK, and RCCLLC, HKIEd, Hong Kong: OUP, 2010, pp. 3-21

  21. “ ‘Literary Criticism’ and ‘Literary Science’: A Debate on Literary Historiography between C.T. Hsia and Jaroslav Průšek” , In The History and Study of Modern Chinese Fiction, ed., David Der-wei Wang, Taipei: Linking Books, 2010, pp. 63-93

  22. "Straying around History and Literature” , In Exploration of Theories and Studies of Texts, ed., Han Shanbi, et al, Hong Kong: Zhonghua Book Company, 2010, pp. 527-534

